And still I stand
With my head high up
Cause no matter what
In myself I trust
No one brings me
On my knees
No one makes me cry
Cause the lovers
Of my life are myself and I
I won’t bow to anyone
I will not obey
And no matter what you say
No commitment will be made
I will leave you in a mourn
In eternal pain
And on never ending road
I will stand alone
و ثابتا أقف وحدي
ذاك رأسي لا يزال عاليا
و مهما حدث
في نفسي وحدها أثق
لن يجثيني أحد
على ركبتي
لا يبكيني مُبْك
لأن أحبائي
في هذه الحياة
هم أنا و أنا و أنا
لن أركع بعد اليوم لمخلوق
لن أطيع و لن أرضخ
و مهما قلت
لن تنال مني إلتزاما
سأتركك في أنين
و ألم سرمدي
و في الدرب الذي لم ينته
ثابتا سأقف وحدي
This poem is my best friend's creativity. Were I to be as much creative as her, I'd write a poem daily. I'd be zillion times more conceited, proud and confident. This web log is mine, I don't care how many of you are gonna see or read this. Yet, it's pretty much enough that *I* saw & red it. It's pretty much enough that I believe I have someone -who's not me- that I can trust, love, and freely talk to, someone who "hears" rather than judges, someone who helps rather than blames. Rima, my best friend, better stop leaving me speechless. You're worth every signle time I thought about, starred at, or talked to .. you. Above all, my best friend, you're worth wharever love, respect, appreciation I carry in my heart for you.
هذه القصيدة إبداع لإحدي أغلى الكائنات على قلبي , ريما
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